Category Archives: Contest Rules

STICKY Weekend Contest Rules

WEDG’s “STICKY Weekend” Text Contest Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo, NY 14206 during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will conduct…MORE

All Time Low Edge Session Giveaway Rules

WEDG’s “All Time Low Edge Session” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG (“Station”), 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo NY 14206, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station…MORE

Bill Burr Contest Rules

WEDG’s “BILL BURR” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG (“Station”), 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo NY 14206, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will conduct the…MORE

Our Lady Peace On Sale Contest Rules

WEDG 103.3 THE EDGE “Our Lady Peace On Sale” CONTESTOFFICIAL RULESA complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG 103.3 the Edge 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo NY 14206, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to…MORE

Laugh Your Ass Off Weekend Rules

WEDG’s “LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo NY `4206during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will conduct…MORE

Tool On-Sale Contest Rules

WEDG 103.3 THE EDGE “TOOL PRE-SALE” CONTESTOFFICIAL RULESA complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG 103.3 the Edge 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo NY 14206, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address.The…MORE

Flogging Molly Instagram Contest Rules

WEDG’s “Flogging Molly Social media ” Contest Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo, NY 14206 during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will…MORE

IDK How Text Contest Rules

WEDG’s “IDK How ” text Contest Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo, NY 14206 during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will…MORE

Borderland Text Contest Rules

WEDG’s “Borderland Text ” Contest Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WEDG 50 James E Casey Drive Buffalo, NY 14206 during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will conduct…MORE