Cage the Elephant Finishes Ballad “Goodbye”

Cage the Elephant finally let go of the long term relationship with their new song “Goodbye.” The track is set to appear in their upcoming album, Social Cues, coming out April 19. The song is a plaintive ballad where the spaces between distant piano notes are filled with steady swells of strings.

Singer Matt Schultz wrote “Goodbye” for his wife as they part from their seven-year relationship. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone Cage the Elephant recalled how Schultz was only able to muster one of the vocals, which he recorded while lying on the floor.

“There was a fair amount of self-medication and intense isolation,” Shultz said of the erratic sessions that produced Social Cues. Speaking about how his divorce influenced the album, he added, “I saw a depth of potential evil that I had never experienced first hand.”

Social Cues follows Cage the Elephant’s 2015 album Tell Me I’m Pretty. The band will be kicking off their co-headlining tour with Beck this summer, heading to Darien Lake Amphitheater August 13.